Aline Weber
Iam going back
I just wanted to let you guys know that iam thinking of stopping bloggin here and continue to blogg on my old blogg now that i have fixed it. I hope that you guys like the my other blogg 10x more than you like this one and thank you all for following me here.
I hope you all have great day!!
If i was a boy
Hi guys!
I hope that you are all doing well! As for me i have been pretty busy with school works. For the past 2-3 weeks, it feels like the only thing that i have been upto nowadays is studying, studying and studying. A have become a real geek, yall! haha.
Looking on the bright side, We are going to be free from all the school works and stress on week 44. YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYY!!!!!!!! It was about time!!
Thanks for the ASS! ooopps. I meant tha thanks for the ADD ;)
What is he or she thinking of ?!
Hello there!!
Do you have those moments when you find yourself stairing at your bf/gf or any opposite sex and try to guess what going on in there head? Well, this is going to give you a clue ..HAHA :D
Hey guys!!
I am soo DUUUMD guys!!
This week has been a chaos week!
I have had so much to do and so little time do finish em all that it is driving me CRAZY!!
I have alot of studying to do this weekend.
Like for example, i have to read this english book, learn 20 swedish/english words, finish my psychology and social studies homework, do atleast 2 science checkpoints do the laundry, clean my room ....HEEEEEELP!!!!!!
I better hit the books now..
ttyl peeps
OMG, you are that girl from that blogg!
Yesterday when I was on my way home from school minding my own business this guy came up to me from nowhere and started talking to me.
Him: Hi there!
Me: (...) Hi o_O
Him: Do you know where
Me: Yes i do. Just follow this road and when you see a Ica Market just turn on the right side n bla bla ..
Him: ..wait a minute. I think i have seen you somewhere before.
Me: ...
Him: OMG, are you that girl from that blogg? OMG OMG it is sooo you!
Me: (it became quite for a min) ..which blogg? I don know what you are talking about ..
(he started xplainin on how my blogg looks like)
Me: Aw that one. Yepp, thats .. me ^_^
Him: Can i get your autograph? ( with a big smile on his face)
Me: Sure!
Him: Cool!! about your number as well?
Me: Don´t push it ..
My first autograph, yeeey! ^_^
Thought I found it a lil bit odd that it was a guy that came to since my blog is soo girly ..hehehe
Är fortfarande trött från all springning i vecka
I still can´t belive that i ran 8km today on P.E ..yehoooooo!! :D
For someone who isn´t into sport,i think i did a pretty good for someone who isn´t into sport ;)
Now i only have 1 problem which is my body hurt like hell. Ay, me duele tanto!.
I have been pretty much just laying on my bed and Iam thinking of doing the same shiet till i fall asleep. Hope i get better soon!
p.s You guys are AMAZING!
Here I Go Again ..
Tjoo bloggen!!!!!
Så oseriös är jag just nu. HAHA! ^_^
keep yourself together woman!
Just nu håller jag på att göra klart min engelska läxa, trots att jag är trött som en hel gnu!
Varför det? Det är för att Idag var jag en av de sista personer som satt kvar i skolan pga jag ville göra klart mina andra läxor däar och slippar tar med massa böcker hemma.
Jag tycker att det är dags för mig att förtsätta med min engelska läxa.
Ses sen and stay away from trouble ;)
Bilderna från fredags
Thanks for the pizza by the way Y. I had a great time! :D
3 facts you didn´t know about your body
Just like fingerprints. The tongue is a unique organ in that it can be stuck out of mouth for inspection , and yet it is well protected in the mouth and is difficult to forge. The tongue also presents both geometric shape information and physiological texture information which are potentially useful in identity verification applications (i learned this one from NCIS
Did you know that your body is taller in the morning than in the evening?!
That´s because our bodies are on average about half an inch taller in the morning, thanks to excess fluid between our discs, which is replenished while we sleep. As the day goes on, and our bodies undergo the strain of standing, the discs get compressed and the fluid seeps out, so the body loses that small bit of extra height.
So next time you are thinking of taking one of those pictures to send to modelling egencies, make sure that you take the pictures in the morning if you want to look taller ;)
i have just found out that blonds have more hair than brunetts. Is that true?
14 reason to why we women are AWESOME!
1. Vi kom av Titanic först. I alla fall skulle vi och våra barn det,
enligt alla regler....
2. Vi kan skrämma manliga chefer med mystiska gynekologiska
3. Taxibilar stannar för oss.
4. Vi ser inte ut som grodor i en mixer när vi dansar....
5. Vi behöver inte fjärta för att roa oss själva.
6. Om vi glömmer att raka oss, är det ingen som behöver få veta.
7. Vi kan gratulera vår kollega utan att någonsin röra hennes rumpa.
8. Vi behöver aldrig gräva i fickorna för att försäkra oss om att
"allt" är kvar...
9. Vi har förmågan att kunna klä oss själva.
10. Vi kan prata med det motsatta könet utan att vara tvungna att
föreställa oss dem nakna.
11. Om vi gifter oss med någon som är 20 år yngre, så är vi i alla fall
medvetna om att vi uppfattas som idioter.
12. Vi kommer aldrig att ångra
att ha tagit hål i öronen.
13. Det är stunder då choklad verkligen kan lösa alla ens problem.
14. Vi kan fälla kommentarer om hur otroligt dumma män är utan problem
i deras närvaro - för de lyssnar ju ändå inte.
Om ni kommer på fler saker så skriv dem GÄRNA :)
I can´t breath , i can´t think straight and most important is that I CAN´T SEE!!!